Supplies Needed:
1 small elastic band US 6/1.50 mm Steel Hook #8 perle cotton, pink or coral 60 white 3mm pearl beads
String the beads onto the thread prior to working on the scrunchie.
Rnd 1: Join cotton to scrunchie with a sl st. Ch 1, sc 40 times, join to first sc with a sl st. Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch3, sc in next sc*. Work from * to * around. Join to first st with a sl st. (20 ch-3 loops) Rnd3: Sl st into first loop, ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2dc in loop. *2dc, ch 2, 2dc in next loop*; repeat from * around scrunchie, join with a sl st in top of ch 3. (20 shells) Rnd 4: Repeat round 3 one more time. Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc in next dc, *in ch-2 space, sc, draw up 3 beads close to hook, sc in space again. Sc in each dc to ch-2 sp*, repeat from * around the scrunchie, sl st into first sc, finish off.
Optional Variation
On last row, sc in each dc to ch-2 loop, *sc in the loop, draw up 3 beads close to hook, sc in space again. Sc in each of the next 2 dc, work picot (ch 3, sl st in first ch), sc in each of next 2 dc*, repeat from * around scrunchie. Join with a sl st in first sc, finish off. (20 beaded loops, 20 picots)
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